ISO 9001:2000
The Best
#1 in Africa

2D High Resolution Surveys

2D High Resolution GeoHazard Seismic Site Surveys

Client Organization

2DHR Project Title

Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited2D-UHR High Resolution Geophysical Site Survey at Oyot Field, Offshore Location, OML 70 using the M/V Jascon 39 featuring 10 cu in Mini-air guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer and Passive Acoustic Monitor (PAM).
Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited2D High Resolution Geophysical Site Survey at Oyot Field, Offshore Location, OMLL 70 using using the M/V Jascon 39 featuring 4 x 40 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer and Passive Acoustic Monitor (PAM).
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyTubu WHP/ Rig Site: 2DHR Seismic Digital Site Survey, Tubu Field, OML 52 using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, 2D High Resolution digital seismic streamer, 4 x 40 cu in airguns, etc
Conoil Producing LimitedGeophysical Site Survey at Aibutan Location, OML 103 using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring featuring 4 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Conoil Producing LimitedGeophysical Site Survey at Toju Ejanla Location, OML 103 using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring featuring 4 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
ERIN ENERGYGeophysical Site Survey at OYO NW 1X Location, OML 120 using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring featuring 4 x 40 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Conoil Nigeria Plc2D High Resolution Geophysical Site Survey at ANIM-1X Offshore Location, OPL 290 using using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 3 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer etc.
Total E&P Nig Ltd2D High Resolution Geophysical Site Survey at Eben (Total field) OML 102 using MV Poseidon featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, multibeam echosounder, singlebeam echosounder sub bottom profiler etc.
Addax Petroleum Nigeria Limited2D High Resolution Seismic/Geophysical Survey at OML 137, using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer etc.
Camac Petroleum Limited2D High Resolution Seismic/Geophysical Survey at OYO Field OML 120, using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 3 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer etc.
Addax Petroleum Nigeria Limited2D High Resolution Seismic/Geophysical Survey at OML 126, using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer etc.
Addax Petroleum Nigeria Limited2D High Resolution Seismic/Geophysical Survey at OML 123, using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer etc.
Nigerian Agip Exploration2D High Resolution Seismic/Geophysical Survey at OPL 2009, using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer etc.
Nigerian Agip ExplorationDeepwater Geophysical and Geomorphological Offshore Site Suvey at OPL 245, using the Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 40 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar,
echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer etc.
Addax Petroleum Cameroon LimitedAzobe 2D High Resolution Seismic/Geophysical Survey at Ngosso Block, Cameroun, using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 2 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Masonia OML 137 using the RV Brone Explorer
4 x 40 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, corer. Water depth 190m -250m
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Nkoro Area OML 137 using the RV Brone Explorer
4 x 40 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, corer. Water depth 190m -250m
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Ofrima Well Location 4 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Hi-4 Well Location 4 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer

Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Asanga-1x Well Location 4 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer
Addax Petroleum Development
Nigeria Limited
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Asa-1 Well Location 4 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer
Total E&P Nig LtdDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Etisong featuring the RV Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Afren Energy LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Ebok featuring the RV Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Asa North Location using m/v Utec Surveyor /Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Udele West Location using m/v Utec Surveyor /Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Ofrima North Location using m/v Utec Surveyor /Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Okwork Location using m/v Utec Surveyor /Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at KTNC-1X, KTNB-1X, KTM- 2A Location using m/v Utec Surveyor /Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at ORON-3A, ADNG-PPA, ADNG-HA, ADNG-PPB and ADNG-1X Location using m/v Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment using m/v Goosander.
Oryx Petroleum & EMERALD Energy Resources2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at OML 141, using the R/V Brone featuring 2 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc.

Addax Petroleum Nigeria Limited
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at OML 123, using the R/V Brone featuring 2 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc.

Addax Petroleum Nigeria Limited
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at OPL 227, using the R/V Brone featuring 2 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, Echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc.

Chevron Nigeria Limited
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at FSO Location using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 2 x 40 cu in guns, 64 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc.

Chevron Nigeria Limited
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey OML 86 at Funiwa Location using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 2 x 40 cu in guns, 64 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc.

Nigerian Agip Energy
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Eweri 2 Brass Offshore using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 2 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc.

Chevron Nigeria Limited
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Sonam Location using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 2 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc.

Nigerian Agip Exploration
2D High Resolution Seismic/Geophysical Survey at OPL 2009, using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc.

Total E&P Nig Ltd
2D High Resolution Geophysical Site Survey at Obongawan (Total field) OML 102 featuring guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, multibeam echosounder, singlebeam echosounder sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc

Chevron Nigeria Limited
Geo – Hazard 2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Funiwa in OML 86 Location using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 2 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc.

Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at ORS-1 Location, OML 123 using the RV Brone Explorer featuring 2 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc.
Water Depth: 3-7m
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at OR-X1 Well, OML 123 using the RV Brone Explorer featuring 2x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at IMIN OML 123 using the RV Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Water Depth: 3-7m
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at OML 123, Antan Well Location using the RV Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Itara-1 proposed Well OML 137 using the RV Brone Explorer
4 x 40 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, corer. Water depth 190m -250m
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Masonia OML 137 using the RV Brone Explorer
4 x 40 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, corer. Water depth 190m -250m
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Nkoro Area OML 137 using the RV Brone Explorer
4 x 40 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, corer. Water depth 190m -250m
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Ofrima Well Location 4 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Hi-4 Well Location 4 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Asanga-1x Well Location 4 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer
Addax Petroleum Development
Nigeria Limited
2D High Resolution Seismic Survey at Asa-1 Well Location 4 x 40 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer
Total E&P Nig LtdDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Etisong featuring the RV Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Afren Energy LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Ebok featuring the RV Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Asa North Location using m/v Utec Surveyor /Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Udele West Location using m/v Utec Surveyor /Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Ofrima North Location using m/v Utec Surveyor /Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at Okwork Location using m/v Utec Surveyor /Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at KTNC-1X, KTNB-1X, KTM- 2A Location using m/v Utec Surveyor /Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria LimitedDigital and Analogue High Resolution 2D Marine Seismic Hazard Survey at ORON-3A, ADNG-PPA, ADNG-HA, ADNG-PPB and ADNG-1X Location using m/v Goosander featuring airguns, streamers, sidescan sonar, sub bottom profiler, echosounder, magnetometer and coring equipment using m/v Goosander.