ISO 9001:2000
The Best
#1 in Africa

Borehole & VSP Positioning

Client OrganizationVSP Positioning Project Title
Total/ ReadWell
VSP Positioning of the Bourbon Sagitta at Eben Field Location, Well Emem 7 (Rig 104 Oritsetimeyin)
Heritage Oil/ Schlumberger
VSP Positioning on the MV Team Salalah at Uganda Offshore (Kingfisher 3-Well) location
VSP Positioning on Viking Thaumas at Etisong-1 Location (Rig Trident 8)
Exxon Mobil / Schlumberger
VSP Positioning of m/v Maersk Winner at Exxon Mobil’s Erha 43 field (Rig Scarabeo 7)

Wire line
VSP Positioning on the MV Bourbon Apsara at ADDAX’s NDA 7 location (Rig Scarabeo 3)
Didon PTY/Schlumberger
Wire line
VSP Positioning on the MV Team Salalah at Tunisia Offshore (Didon 7 Well) location (Rig Ensco 85)
Afren Energy/ ReadWell ServicesVSP Positioning on Jascon 26 at Okoro-4 Location (Rig Adriatic 6)
Afren Energy/
ReadWell Services
VSP Positioning on Jascon 26 at Okoro-5 Location (Rig Adriatic 6)
Wire line
VSP Positioning on the MV Bourbon Apsara at ADDAX’s Ofrima 3 location (Rig Scarabeo 3)
VSP Positioning on the MV Trinity River at ADDAX’s KTM-6A well location (Rig High Island 9)
TotalFinaElf/ Schlumberger
VSP Positioning on the Bourbon Asterie at Bil2-01 Location, Pointe Noire, Congo (Rig GSF 135)
er Wire line
DGPS Positioning for VSP Survey on Jascon 39 at FA-3 location, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire (Rig Searex 10)
Exxon Mobil/Schlumberger
Wire line
DGPS Positioning for VSP Survey on the Maersk Winner at Uge 2 location (Hommer Ferrington Rig)
FOXTROT/Schlumberg er Wire lineDGPS Positioning for VSP Survey on Jascon 39 at Marlin-1 location, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire (Rig AD 6)
VSP Positioning of the MV Antenor at AMENAM AMUP-EI Location
VSP Positioning on Burch Williams at Akpo-123 Location
Total/Schlumberger Wire line Nigeria
DGPS Positioning for VSP Survey on Burch Williams at Akpo 15 location (Rig Deep Water Discovery)
Wire line
DGPS Positioning for VSP Survey on the Bourbon Apsara at ADDAX’s Udele West location (Rig
Scarabeo 3)
Total/ReadWell ServicesVSP Positioning of the Mv Bourbon Antenor at Odudu Location
DGPS Positioning for VSP Survey at ADDAX’s Kita Marine location
Addax/Schlumberger Wire lineDGPS Positioning for VSP Survey on the Bourbon Apsara at ADDAX’s Okpono IX location (Rig Scarabeo 3)
Chevron/ Schlumberger
DGPS Positioning for VSP Survey of the C-Adventurer at Chevron’s Madu 4 location (Rig TRIDENT IV)
DGPS Positioning for VSP Survey of the C-Adventurer at Chevron’s AWODI 4 location (Rig TRIDENT IV)
TotalFinaElf/ Schlumberger
DGPS Positioning for VSP Survey of the Maersk Shipper at TotalFinaElf’s OKO-1field (Rig MG Hulme)
TotalFinaElf/ Schlumberger
GPS Positioning for VSP Site Investigation at TotalFinaElf Obagi/Ibewa-14 well site.
r Wire line Nig. Ltd
VSP Positioning of the Maersk Blazer at SNEPCO’s ZabaZaba-AX field (Rig Pathfinder)
TotalFina Elf / Schlumberger
DGPS Positioning for VSP Survey of the Maersk Finder at TotalFinaElf’s OKO-1field (Rig MG Hulme)
Ocean Energy/Schlumberger
DGPS Positioning for VSP Survey of the Maersk Finder at Ocean Energy’s PINA Field
GPS Positional check of 12 wells at OML 66 in Okpoama Local Government, Bayelsa State;
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
VSP Positioning of Rig AD 8 at Exxon Mobil’s Awawa Platform
Wire line
VSP Positioning of Seacor Moray for ADDAX Petroleum’s ADNW Field

Chevron / Schlumberger Wire
VSP Positioning of C Atlantis Chochuest at Chevron Texaco’s Obokun-D Lloyd Noble jack up rig.
SNEPCO/Schlumberge r Wire line Nig. LtdVSP Positioning of the Maersk Blazer at SNEPCO’s BONGA field (Rig MG Hulme)
Wire line Nig. Ltd
VSP Positioning of the Maersk Finder for ESSO at UGE-1 SAT-1 field:
Exxon Mobil / Schlumberger
VSP Positioning of m/v Maersk Winner at Exxon Mobil’s Erha field.
Nigeria Agip Oil Co /
Geodetic Positioning
DGPS Positioning of Rig Searex 10 and Anchor Handlers for AGIP Nigeria Limited at Okpoho Field
ChevronTexaco / Schlumberger
Wireline Nig. Ltd
VSP Positioning of m/v Maersk Battler at ChevronTexaco’s AGBAMI 5 Location on Semi-Submersible Rig Sedco Energy.
NAOC Nig Ltd /
Geodetic Positioning
DGPS Positioning of Rig Searex 10 and Anchor Handlers for AGIP at Okpoho Field
TotalFina Elf / Schlumberger
DGPS Positioning for Walkabove VSP for Total at PEROWEI 1B field:(Rig MG HULME) Vessel: m/v Maersk Blazer
NAOC Nig Ltd / Schlumberger
Wireline Nig. Ltd
DGPS Positioning for Walkabove VSP for NAOC at Obutoro field:(Rig BINTAN KALIMANTAN)
ChevronTexaco / Schlumberger
Wireline Nig. Ltd
DGPS Positioning for Walkaway VSP for ChevronTexaco at AGBAMI field:(Rig SEDCO ENERGY) Vessel: m/v Maersk Blazer
NAOC Nig Ltd / Schlumberger
Wireline Nig. Ltd
DGPS Positioning for Walkabove VSP for NAOC at Obutoro field: (Rig BINTA KALIMANTAN)
NAOC Nig Ltd / Geodetic PositioningDGPS Positioning of Rig SEAREX 10 for AGIP at Okpoho Field
TotalFina Elf Nig Schlumberger
Wireline Nig. Ltd
DGPS Positioning for Walkabove VSP for Total at PEROWEI 1B field:(Rig MG HULME) Vessel: m/v Maersk Blazer
Exxon Mobil / Schlumberger
Wireline Nig.Ltd
DGPS Positioning for Walkabove VSP for Exxon Mobil at BOSI3X field:(Rig Scarabeo 7) Vessel: m/v Maersk Blazer
TotalFina Elf Nig Ltd / Schlumberger
Wireline Nig. Ltd
DGPS Positioning for Walkabove VSP for TFE at OFON II field:(Rig Glomar Adriatic 6) Vessel: m/v Maersk Battler
TotalFina Elf Nig Ltd / Schlumberger
Wireline Nig. Ltd
DGPS Positioning for Static Offset Vertical Seismic Profile for TotalFina Elf Ltd at USAN3 field: (Rig MG Hulme) Vessel: m/v Maersk Rover
Shell Petroleum Dev.Co ltd/Schlumberger
Wireline Nig. Ltd
DGPS Positioning for Static Offset Vertical Seismic Profile for Shell Petroleum Dev. Co. Ltd at Seibou field: Okpoku-1 Location. (Mallard Bay RIG 75)
Nigeria Agip Oil Co.DGPS Positioning for Static Offset Vertical Seismic Profile for Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited at
Ltd / Schlumberger
Wireline Nig. Ltd
Oyobio-1 Location
Rig: Glomar High Island IX, Vessel: Walvis-8,
Shell Petroleum Dev. Co Ltd / Suffolk
Petroleum Subsea Ltd
DGPS Positioning & Barge Management System of Three Barges and three tugs on Mobil Fields