ISO 9001:2000
The Best
#1 in Africa

Site Surveys

Site Surveys [Geophysical & Geotechnical]

Client OrganizationSite Survey Project Title/Description
Sahara GroupFPSO Anchorage Geotechnical survey/Sub bottom Profiler Survey, Offshore Bonny using M/V LadyStef, featuring CPT, Piston Corer, Hemisphere, Veripos LD5, Sub Bottom Profiler, Echo sounder etc.
Sahara GroupFSO Geophysical Survey using MV Celtic Zion, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
Ruta Exploration and
Production Company
Geophysical Survey/Well Head Reconnaissance using AF Spakwyte featuring DGPS, Gyrocompass, sidescan sonar, single beam echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, QINSy PC, Veripos Hemisphere GNSS, MRU etc.
Energy and Plant Technology LimitedSan Bartholomew to Inda PP Barge Route Survey using MV Mercury featuring DGPS, Gyrocompass, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, Heave compensator etc.
Energy and Plant Technology LimitedBarging Route Validation Survey at Sambreiro River using MV Mercury featuring DGPS, Gyrocompass, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, Heave compensator etc.
Ingentia Energies LtdBarging Route Validation Survey at Sambreiro River using MV Mercury featuring DGPS, Gyrocompass, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, Heave compensator etc.
Ingentia Energies LtdBarging Route Survey (Bathymetry Survey) at Sambreiro River using MV Mercury featuring DGPS, Gyrocompass, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, Heave compensator etc.
BUA GroupVibro-Coring at Qua-Iboe and Opobo River using MV Trigger Fish featuring Vibrocorer system FT 551, 6m Vibrocores etc.
BUA GroupPre-dredge Sand Search Survey at Opobo River using MV Trigger Fish featuring Single Beam Echo Sounder, QINSy PC, Veripos DGPS, Hemisphere GNSS, SBES and MRU.
BUA GroupPre-dredge Sand Search Survey at Qua-Iboe River using MV Trigger Fish featuring Single Beam Echo Sounder, QINSy PC, Veripos DGPS, Hemisphere GNSS, SBES and MRU.
Northwest Petroleum and Gas Company LtdGeophysical Well Head Inspection Survey using MV Norfin featuring Single Beam Echo Sounder, QINSy PC, Veripos DGPS, Hemisphere GNSS, SBES and MRU
BUA GroupPre-dredge Sand Search Survey using MV Hydro Express featuring Single Beam Echo Sounder, QINSy PC, Veripos DGPS, Hemisphere GNSS, SBES and MRU.
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyIma Geophysical Survey OML 112/117 using MV Hydro Express featuring Single Beam Echo Sounder, QINSy PC, Veripos DGPS, Hemisphere GNSS, SBES and MRU
Brass Fertilizer & Petrochemical
Company Limited
Geological Seabed Search Survey Brass Offshore, using MV VNC Fortune, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
Brass Fertilizer & Petrochemical
Company Limited
Geophysical Site Survey, Brass Offshore, using MV Celtic Bethel, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
Brass Fertilizer & Petrochemical
Company Limited
Geophysical Site Survey, Brass Offshore, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
Brass Fertilizer & Petrochemical
Company Limited
Geotechnical Survey for Brass Offshore Location PCPTS, Vibrocoring, Geotechnical Borehole Drilling, Bathymetric Survey (SPM 1 & 2) featuring Jack-up Barge Streamflow
Brass Fertilizer & Petrochemical
Company Limited
Geophysical Site Survey, Brass Offshore, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
Ankor Pointe Integrated Limited/New Cross E & P LtdOML 24 San Barth Bathymetric & Geophysical Survey using MV Mercury featuring DGPS, Gyrocompass, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, Heave compensator etc.

Conoil Producing Limited
Geophysical Site Survey at Otuo 19 (Obra Field) In OML 59 & Allied Services using the VNC Fortune featuring DGPS, Gyrocompass, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, Motion Referencing Unit etc.
World Carrier CorporationDebris Site Survey at FSO location in OML 18, Okwok Field using Celtic Bethel, featuring Qinsy software, DGPS, Gyro compass, Single Beam Echo Sounder and MRU.
AMNI International Pet Development
Opobo/Andoni River Pre-Dredge Debris Survey and Real Time Bathymetry Survey, Tubu Field, OML 52, using MV Rubicon, featuring Echosounder, Sidescan, Magnetometer, Gyrocompass and DGPS.
AMNI International Pet Development
Tubu Pre-Rig Move Debris Survey and Real Time Bathymetry Survey, Tubu Field, OML 52, using MV Rubicon, featuring Echosounder, Sidescan, Magnetometer, Gyrocompass and DGPS.

AMNI International Pet Development
Geophysical Seabed Survey, Okoro field, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
AMNI International Pet Development
OML 52 Company
Site Survey (Bathymetry Survey and Magnetometer Survey), Tubu field, OML 52, using MV Rubicon, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
AMNI International Pet Development
Sector Scan Survey at Ima Field, Alisa Craig 1 FPSA, Sector Scan Sonar etc.
AMNI International Pet Development
Geophysical Debris Clearance Survey at Ima Field, using MV Asha, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Magnetometer.
Field Offshore Design Engineering LimitedPlatform Approach Survey and Braced Caisson/WHP Face Survey, Adanga Field, OML 123, using MV Beagle 1, featuring Complete SRP spread, Bathycorrometer, UT meter, Still camera, Cleaning tools and Inspection tools.
AMNI International Pet Development
Geophysical Seabed Survey, Tubu field, OML 52, using MV Hydro Express, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
Field Offshore Design Engineering LimitedPipeline Route and Geotechnical Survey, Adanga Field, OML 123, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler Magnetometer and Piston Corer.
AMNI International Pet Development
Tubu Closed Grid Bathymetry Survey, Tubu field, OML 52, using MV Mercury, featuring Echo Sounder etc.
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyOML 52 Geotechnical Survey for Point J Location Soil 45m Boreholes & CPTs featuring Jack-up Barge Whisky Star VII etc.
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyOML 52 Geotechnical Survey for Point K Location Soil 45m Boreholes & CPTs featuring Jack-up Barge Whisky Star VII.
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyOML 52 Geotechnical Survey for Tubu WHP Location Soil 45m Boreholes & CPTs featuring Jack-up Barge Whisky Star VII etc.
Sterling Oil Exploration & Energy Company Ltd.
SPM and Pipeline Geophysical Route Survey, Offshore Ikota Abasi, Akwa-Ibom, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyPre-Rig Move Debris Survey at Ima WHP, Ima field, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
Deltatek Offshore LimitedJacket Face Survey for Ima WHP (East Face), Ima field, using MV Primus featuring Complete SRP spread, Bathycorrometer, UT meter, Still camera, Cleaning tools and Inspection tools.

Deltatek Offshore Limited
Pre-Installation Survey for Ima WHP, Ima field, using MV Mary II, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.

Deltatek Offshore Limited
Pre-Installation Survey for Tubu WHP, Tubu field, using MV Mary II, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyGeophysical Debris Clearance Survey at Okoro WHP, using MV Asha, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Magnetometer.
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyGeophysical Debris Survey for SEWOP Positioning at IMA WPP, using MV Asha, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Magnetometer.
Sterling Oil Exploration & Energy Company Ltd. (SEEPCO)Geophysical Seabed Survey (Navigation Route Survey) at Offshore Akwa Ibom, using MV Mary II, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyOkoro -Princess Aweni FPSO seabed Survey featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyOML 52 Geotechnical Survey for Rig Location Soil 120m Boreholes & CPTs featuring Jack-up Barge Whisky Star VIII etc.
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyOML 52 Geotechnical Survey for Platform Location Soil 120m Boreholes & CPTs featuring Jack-up Barge Whisky Star VIII etc.
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyTubu Rig Site: Survey featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler, Magnetometer etc.
AMNI International Pet Development CompanyIma WHP EFGH Block Site Survey featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler, Magnetometer etc.
Conoil Producing LimitedGeotechnical Site Survey at Toju-Ejanla Location, OML 103 using the Whisky Star VIII featuring CPT and Borehole drilling system.
Conoil Producing LimitedGeotechnical Site Survey at Aibutan Location, OML 103 using the Whisky Star VIII featuring CPT and Borehole drilling system.

Conoil Producing Limited
Geophysical Site Survey at Toju-Ejanla, OML 103 using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Conoil Producing LimitedGeophysical Site Survey at Aibutan, OML 103 using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors,sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler,
magnetometer, etc
Erin Petroleum Nig. Ltd.Geophysical Site Survey at OYO NW-1X, OML 120 using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 40 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Seafall Marine ServicesLagos Harbour Pre-Dredge Survey, using RV Brone Explorer, featuring single beam echosounder, sub- bottom profiler and side scan sonar
AMNI International Petroleum
Bathymetric Survey of Okoro WHP, Okoro FPSO, IMA Platform, using RV Brone Explorer, featuring single beam echosounder, magnetometer, sub bottom profiler and side scan sonar
AMNI International Petroleum
Bathymetric Survey of Tubu Channel, featuring single beam echosounder etc.
AMNI International Petroleum
Geophysical Site Survey at Okoro WHP, Okoro FPSO and IMA Platform Location using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc

AMNI International Petroleum
Bathymetric Survey of Okoro WHP, Okoro FPSO, IMA Platform, using RV Brone Explorer, featuring singlebeam echosounder, magnetometer, sub bottom profiler and side scan sonar
Environmental Resources Managers
Analogue Site Survey at OML 113 using the R/V Brone Explorer single beam and multiple beam, magnetometer, sub bottom profiler and side scan sonar.
Accelerated Compact Energy SolutionsAnalogue Site Survey at Ororo Field OML 95 using the R/V Brone Explorer single beam and multiple beam, magnetometer, sub bottom profiler and side scan sonar.
Environmental Resources Managers
Analogue Site Survey at AJE-4 Well Locations using the R/V Brone Explorer single beam and multiple beam, magnetometer, sub bottom profiler and side scan sonar.
Nigerian Agip ExplorationDeepwater Geotechnical Offshore Site Survey at OPL 245, using the RV Gyre featuring Piston Corer, Box Core, CPT, Bore hole drilling system etc. Date: April 2013
South Atlantic PetroleumAnalogue Site Survey at Block-1 Seme Locations using the R/V Brone Explorer single beam and multiple beam, magnetometer, sub bottom profiler and side scan sonar.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
Addax OML 123 Analogue Rig Route/Analogue Site Survey at Inagha 3A and 4A
Atlantic Waste Management LimitedProvision of Vessel for EIA Sampling Survey at Afren Field Using the R/V Brone Explorer
Chevron Nigeria
Provision of Vessel for EIA Sampling Survey at Nsiko Location Using the R/V Brone Explorer
AMNI International
Petroleum Development
Site Survey at Ima Location using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc
Mobil Producing
Nigeria Limited
Provision of Vessel for EIA Sampling Survey at IDOHO, OSO, INIM using the RV Brone Explorer
Chevron Nigeria
Provision of Vessel for EIA Sampling Survey at Agbami Location Using the R/V Brone Explorer
Atlantic Waste
Management Limited
Provision of Vessel for EIA Sampling Survey at OML 67 Location Using the R/V Brone Explorer

Equinox TSB
Tom Shot Bank Site and Seabed Survey at TSB 1 Location Calabar featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, Current Meters etc
Chevron Nigeria LimitedProvision of Vessel for EIA Sampling Survey at FUNIWA Location Using the R/V Brone Explorer

Nigerian Ports Authority
Wreck Survey for Prposed New Ship Routing System and Anchorage using the RV Brone Explorer featuring Multibeam EchoSounder, Single beam Echosounder, sidescan sonar, subbottom profiler, magnetometer etc
Mobil Producing Nigeria LimitedProvision of Vessel for Seabed Sampling Survey at UBIT, IDOHO, OSO, YOHO & MFEM using the RV Brone Explorer
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
Magnetometer Survey at KTM Platform using R/V Brone Explorer featuring Magnetometer, Sidescan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
Sector Scan Survey at Inagha Platform Platform using R/V Brone Explorer featuring Sector Scan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
Sector Scan Survey at Ebughu Production Platform using R/V Brone Explorer featuring Sector Scan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
Magnetometer Survey at Ebgughu Platform Platform using R/V Brone Explorer featuring Magnetometer, Sidescan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
Sector Scan Survey at Rig Soft Pin Location using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring Sector Scan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
Sector Scan Survey at ADSW Platform featuring Sector Scan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc
Chevron Nigeria LimitedProvision of Vessel, Coring & Sample Analyisis for Escravos Water Base Mud Cutting Risk Assessment using R/V Brone Explorer featuring DGPS Positioning & Drop Corer
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
Sector Scan Survey at ADNH-B Platform
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
Sector Scan Site Survey at Rig Soft Pin Point.
Ministry of Transport
Abuja/Richard Wells
Wreck and Abandoned vessel Identification Survey from Lagos Port Channel to Novo Creek
Exxon Mobil/
Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Mfem DA, Usari FB, Yoho A, Ubit GH & East Pin Down Site Platform
Total E&P Nig LtdGeophysical Site Survey at Etisong
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic PositioningSeabed Survey at Edop QA Platform
Exxon Mobil/
Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Usari FC, Oso RD, Unam CB, Usari FB, Ubit GH & Oso RC Platform
OMEL/ONGC MittalSeabed Survey at Opueyi AX-1
Exxon Mobil/
Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Inanga A Platform
Exxon Mobil/
Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Ubit GH Platform
Exxon Mobil/
Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Adua A Platform
Exxon Mobil/
Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Mfem DB, Inanga A & Unam CD Platforms
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
Seabed Survey at FPSO Knock Adoon Bow Area
Exxon Mobil/
Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Isobo A, Oso RB, Edop QA, Ubit GH, Ekpe QA, Utue A and Etim LB Platforms
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Unam C, Iyak B & Yoho ZBA Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Mfem DA Platform
SPDCSite Survey at Forcados Oil Field SBM 1 and 2 Location
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Mfem DB & Ubit GG Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Nsimbo & Usari FB Platform
Sogenal LimitedRig Approach Survey at Akepo 1 Location
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Isobo A, Yoho & Oso Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed Survey at Etim A, Usari FC, Edop QB, Unam CD, Ubit GK, Idoho A & BZ Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit GJ Platform
Chevron Nigeria
Escravos Export System Pipeline (EESP) Route Geotechnical Survey
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Utue A, Ubit GH & Usari FC Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit GG Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit GC Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Oso RB Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit GR Platform
Moni Pulo Nigeria LimitedSite Survey at Abana East Location featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Etim A Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Adua A Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Utue A Platform
Chevron Nigeria LimitedSeabed and Bathymetry Survey at Okan 80 Field featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
Chevron Nigeria
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Meji Field featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom
Profiler and Magnetometer.
Chevron Nigeria LimitedSeabed and Bathymetry Survey at Delta 2 Field/Delta 4 Field featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer;
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit E Platform

Shell Petroleum Development Co
Cable Search Survey at Cawthorne Channel location featuring Side scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Gyro compass
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey from Utue A to Ubit B Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey from Usari FC to Utue A Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey from Usari FB to Usari FC Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey from Oso RH to Usari FB Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey from Adua A to Oso RH Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Asabo Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Enang C Platform
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Unam CA Platform
West Atlantic
Geomatics Limited
Seabed Survey at Freeport of Monrovia, Liberia
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Enang A featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler for Exxon Mobil
TDI Brooks Intl’Navigation Personnel for TDI Brooks for Chevron’s Site Surveys at Omilo B
Shell Petroleum / PINL Marine & Oil Services
Debris Search Survey at HA-06 location featuring Side scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Gyro compass.
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit D, Enang and Oso D featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler etc.
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Antan2X Location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub- Bottom Profiler etc.

Addax Petroleum
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Antan1 Location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub- Bottom Profiler etc.
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Inim B, Ubit G, Etim C featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub- Bottom Profiler etc.
Chevron Nigeria LimitedSeabed and Bathymetry Survey at Delta South Field/Mejo Field featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer.
Chevron Texaco
Nigeria Limited.
Positioning of Rig Trident IV from Ruta E to Meren 24 Location
Exxon Mobil / Geodetic Positioning
Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit GF featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler for Exxon Mobil etc.
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Transponder Survey at Ubit GG for Exxon Mobil’s Percy Johns Rig Move
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Transponder Survey at Inim A for Exxon Mobil’s Ed Noble Rig Move from Unam CC to Inim A
Moni Pulo Nigeria LimitedSeabed Survey at Cross River 4 Site featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer
Chevron Nigeria LimitedSeabed and Bathymetry Survey at Madu-D & Anyala J featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer
Bilfinger and Berger Gas and Oil LtdDebris Survey at Bille Krakama featuring Side scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Gyro compass

Shell / PINL Marine & Oil Services Limited
Debris/Bathymetry Search Survey at KC-PPA location featuring Side scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Gyro compass for SPDC (East) Nig.
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Debris Search Survey at UNAM CC, UBIT GK, MFEM DB featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub- Bottom Profiler etc.
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Debris Search Survey at ETIM LP, MFEM DB, OSO RD & UBIT GK location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning etc.
Exxon Mobil
/Geodetic Positioning
Subsea Buoy Search Survey at YOHO location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning.
Euroil Limited, Republic of CamerounSite and Seabed Survey at Biafra South Block featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, Jumbo Corer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning in the Etinde Permit, Cameroon.
Area: 7km x 5km

Euroil Limited, Republic of Cameroun
Site and Seabed Survey at Isongo South Block featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, Jumbo Corer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning in the Etinde Permit, Cameroon. Area 4km x 2.7km etc.

Peak Petroleum
Integrated Site, Seabed, Geotechnical and Metocean Surveys at Bilabri 1, Bilabri 2 and Bilabri DX- 1Location at OML 122 featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo-sounder, Sub bottom profiler, Weather
measurements, current meters and coring.

Peak Petroleum
Integrated Site, Seabed, Geotechnical and Metocean Surveys at Orobiri Prospect OML 122 Nigeria featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo-sounder, Sub bottom profiler, Weather Station, current meters and coring.
Peak PetroleumIntegrated Site, Seabed, Geotechnical and Metocean Surveys at Owanare Field OML 122 Nigeria:
Sidescan Sonar, Echo-sounder, Sub bottom profiler, Weather Station, current meters and coring

Shell Petroleum Dev. Co Ltd / Suffolk Engineering
Construction Ltd
Site & Seabed Survey Forcados-Yokri Integrated project Nigeria featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning using Survey Launch Princess Chichi. Survey Area covered 15km x 6km etc.

Shell Petroleum Dev. Co Ltd / Suffolk Petroleum Subsea LtdSite & Seabed Survey Forcados-Yokri Integrated project Nigeria featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning using m/v Ocean Diver IV Survey Area covered 15km x 6km etc.

Galcoast Limited
Bathymetric & Associated survey work at Ibeju-Lekki featuring Sidescan Sonar, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Echo Sounder, Current Meters, tide guage, Grab sampler, DGPS Real Time Positioning m/v Marine Venture
Survey Area covered: 6km x 10km

Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited / Schlumberger
Wireline Nig. Ltd
Site & Seabed Survey Forcados-Yokri Integrated project Nigeria featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning using m/v Ocean Diver IV Survey Area covered 15km x 6km

Shell Petroleum Dev. Co Ltd / Suffolk Petroleum Subsea LtdSite Survey for Rig Location TXZK (JA) featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning
Survey Area covered 15km x 6km

Shell Petroleum Dev. Co Ltd / Suffolk Petroleum Subsea LtdSite & Seabed Survey SPDC Kalaekule Field (KC) Nigeria featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub- Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning using m/v Ocean Diver IV
Survey Area covered 2km x 2km
Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited/ Sirpi-Alusteel
Site Survey for Rig Location at Mobil's Isonsi Open Location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning
Survey Area covered 1km x 1km

Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited/ Suffolk Petroleum
Subsea Ltd
Site Survey for Rig Location at Mobil's Ufan-2 Open Location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning
Survey Area covered 1km x 1km

Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited/ Suffolk Petroleum
Subsea Ltd
Site Survey for Rig Location at Mobil's Yoho Open Location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning
Survey Area covered 1km x 1km