2D High Resolution Seismic Surveys
Nigerian Agip Exploration | Deepwater Geotechnical Offshore Site Survey at OPL 245, using the RV Gyre featuring Piston Corer, Box Core, CPT, Bore hole drilling system etc. | 1-Jun-2021 |
Brass Fertilizer | Geophysical Pipeline Route Survey at Brass Location | 1-Apr-2021 |
Chevron Nigeria Limited | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Delta South Field/Mejo Field featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer; | 1-Sep-2020 |
Field Offshore Design Engineering Limited | Pipeline Route and Geotechnical Survey, Adanga Field, OML 123, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler Magnetometer and Piston Corer. | 1-Aug-2020 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | OML 52 Geotechnical Survey for Platform Location Soil 120m Boreholes & CPTs featuring Jack-up Barge Whisky Star VIII | 1-Jul-2020 |
Field Offshore Design Engineering Limited | Pipeline Route and Geotechnical Survey, Adanga Field, OML 123, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler Magnetometer and Piston Corer. | 1-Jun-2020 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Langley Platform-OML 52 Geophysical & Geotechnical Pipeline Route Survey featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer & CPT | 1-Nov-2019 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | OML 52 Geotechnical Survey for Point J Location Soil 45m Boreholes & CPTs featuring Jack-up Barge Whisky Star VII | 1-Nov-2019 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | OML 52 Geotechnical Survey for Point K Location Soil 45m Boreholes & CPTs featuring Jack-up Barge Whisky Star VII | 1-Sep-2019 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | OML 52 Geotechnical Survey for Tubu WHP Location Soil 45m Boreholes & CPTs featuring Jack-up Barge Whisky Star VII | 1-Aug-2019 |
Shell Petroleum Dev. Co Ltd / Suffolk Petroleum Subsea Ltd | Site & Seabed Survey Forcados-Yokri Integrated project Nigeria featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning using m/v Ocean Diver IV Survey Area covered 15km x 6km | 1-Jul-2019 |
Deltatek Engineeing Limited/ Fenog Nigeria Limited | Escravos Export System Project – Pipeline Route Survey | 1-Jun-2019 |
Conoil Producing Limited | Geophysical Site Survey at Otuo 19 (Obra Field) In OML 59 & Allied Services using the VNC Fortune featuring DGPS, Gyrocompass, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, Motion Referencing Unit etc. | 1-Jun-2019 |
World Carrier Corporation | Debris Site Survey at FSO location in OML 18, Okwok Field using Celtic Bethel, featuring Qinsy software, DGPS, Gyro compass, Single Beam Echo Sounder and MRU. | 1-Jun-2019 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Divers Positioning Support Service to confirm the position of a pipeline, at OML 52 Tubu Location | 1-Apr-2019 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Opobo-Andoni Pipeline Confirmation Survey featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, and Magnetometer | 1-Apr-2019 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Opobo/Andoni River Pre-Dredge Debris Survey and Real Time Bathymetry Survey, Tubu Field, OML 52, using MV Rubicon, featuring Echosounder, Sidescan, Magnetometer, Gyrocompass and DGPS. | 1-Apr-2019 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Tubu Pre-Rig Move Debris Survey and Real Time Bathymetry Survey, Tubu Field, OML 52, using MV Rubicon, featuring Echosounder, Sidescan, Magnetometer, Gyrocompass and DGPS. | 1-Apr-2019 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Geophysical Seabed Survey, Okoro field, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer. | 1-Feb-2019 |
AMNI International Pet Development OML 52 Company | Site Survey (Bathymetry Survey and Magnetometer Survey), Tubu field, OML 52, using MV Rubicon, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer. | 1-Feb-2019 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Sector Scan Survey at Ima Field, Alisa Craig 1 FPSA, Sector Scan Sonar | 1-Jan-2019 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Geophysical Debris Clearance Survey at Ima Field, using MV Asha, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Magnetometer. | 1-Nov-2018 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Geophysical Seabed Survey, Tubu field, OML 52, using MV Hydro Express, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer. | 1-Nov-2018 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Tubu Closed Grid Bathymetry Survey, Tubu field, OML 52, using MV Mercury, featuring Echo Sounder. | 1-Oct-2018 |
Sterling Oil Exploration & Energy Company Ltd. (SEEPCO) | SPM and Pipeline Geophysical Route Survey, Offshore Ikota Abasi, Akwa-Ibom, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer. | 1-Jun-2018 |
Sterling Oil Exploration & Energy Company Ltd. (SEEPCO) | SPM and Pipeline Geophysical Route Survey, Offshore Ikota Abasi, Akwa-Ibom, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer. | 1-Jun-2018 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Pre-Rig Move Debris Survey at Ima WHP, Ima field, using MV Celtic Zion, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer. | 1-Apr-2018 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Geophysical Debris Clearance Survey at Okoro WHP, using MV Asha, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Magnetometer. | 1-Apr-2018 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Geophysical Debris Survey for SEWOP Positioning at IMA WPP, using MV Asha, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Magnetometer. | 1-Apr-2018 |
Sterling Oil Exploration & Energy Company Ltd. (SEEPCO) | Geophysical Seabed Survey (Navigation Route Survey) at Offshore Akwa Ibom, using MV Mary II, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer. | 1-Apr-2018 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | OML 52 Geotechnical Survey for Rig Location Soil 120m Boreholes & CPTs featuring Jack-up Barge Whisky Star VIII | 1-Jan-2018 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Ima WHP EFGH Block Site Survey featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler, Magnetometer | 1-Nov-2017 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Ima-Okoro Pipeline Route Survey featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer | 1-Sep-2017 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Okoro -Princess Aweni FPSO seabed Survey featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer | 1-Sep-2017 |
AMNI International Pet Development Company | Tubu Rig Site: Survey featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler, Magnetometer | 1-Sep-2017 |
Seispace Limited | Chevron Okan field Pipeline Route Geotechnical CPT | 1-Sep-2017 |
Conoil Producing Limited | Geotechnical Site Survey at Aibutan Location, OML 103 using the Whisky Star VIII featuring CPT and Borehole drilling system. | 1-Aug-2017 |
Conoil Producing Limited | Geotechnical Site Survey at Toju-Ejanla Location, OML 103 using the Whisky Star VIII featuring CPT and Borehole drilling system. | 1-Feb-2016 |
Conoil Producing Limited | Geophysical Site Survey at Aibutan, OML 103 using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc | 1-Sep-2014 |
Conoil Producing Limited | Geophysical Site Survey at Toju-Ejanla, OML 103 using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 20 cu in guns, 48 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc | 1-Sep-2014 |
Erin Petroleum Nig. Ltd. | Geophysical Site Survey at OYO NW-1X, OML 120 using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring 4 x 40 cu in guns, 96 channel digital streamer, Air Compressors, sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc | 1-Jun-2014 |
AMNI International Petroleum Development | Geophysical Site Survey at Okoro WHP, Okoro FPSO and IMA Platform Location using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc. | 1-Apr-2013 |
Environmental Resources Managers Limited | Analogue Site Survey at OML 113 using the R/V Brone Explorer single beam and multiple beam, magnetometer, sub bottom profiler and side scan sonar. | 1-Aug-2012 |
Accelerated Compact Energy Solutions | Analogue Site Survey at Ororo Field OML 95 using the R/V Brone Explorer single beam and multiple beam, magnetometer, sub bottom profiler and side scan sonar. | 1-Apr-2012 |
Environmental Resources Managers Limited | Analogue Site Survey at AJE-4 Well Locations using the R/V Brone Explorer single beam and multiple beam, magnetometer, sub bottom profiler and side scan sonar. | 1-Jan-2012 |
South Atlantic Petroleum | Analogue Site Survey at Block-1 Seme Locations using the R/V Brone Explorer single beam and multiple beam, magnetometer, sub bottom profiler and side scan sonar. | 1-Jul-2011 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Addax OML 123 Analogue Rig Route/Analogue Site Survey at Inagha 3A and 4A | 1-Mar-2011 |
AMNI International Petroleum Development | Site Survey at Ima Location using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring sidescan sonar, echosounder, sub bottom profiler, magnetometer, etc. | 1-Nov-2010 |
Equinox TSB | Tom Shot Bank Site and Seabed Survey at TSB 1 Location Calabar featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, Current Meters etc | 1-Nov-2010 |
Nigerian Ports Authority | Wreck Survey for Proposed New Ship Routing System and Anchorage using the RV Brone Explorer featuring Multibeam EchoSounder, Single beam Echosounder, sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, magnetometer etc. | 1-Nov-2010 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Magnetometer Survey at KTM Platform using R/V Brone Explorer featuring Magnetometer, Sidescan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc. | 1-Sep-2010 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Sector Scan Survey at Ebughu Production Platform using R/V Brone Explorer featuring Sector Scan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc. | 1-Sep-2010 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Sector Scan Survey at Inagha Platform Platform using R/V Brone Explorer featuring Sector Scan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc. | 1-Sep-2010 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Magnetometer Survey at Ebgughu Platform Platform using R/V Brone Explorer featuring Magnetometer, Sidescan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc. | 1-Aug-2010 |
Addax Petroleum Nigeria Limited | Pipeline Route Surveys at Adanga and Kita Area OML123 | 1-May-2010 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Sector Scan Survey at Rig Soft Pin Location using the R/V Brone Explorer featuring Sector Scan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc. | 1-Feb-2010 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Sector Scan Survey at ADSW Platform featuring Sector Scan Sonar, DGPS Positioning etc | 1-Dec-2009 |
Chevron Nigeria Limited | Provision of Vessel, Coring & Sample Analysis for Escravos Water Base Mud Cutting Risk Assessment using R/V Brone Explorer featuring DGPS Positioning & Drop Corer | 1-Dec-2009 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Sector Scan Survey at ADNH-B Platform | 1-Nov-2009 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Sector Scan Site Survey at Rig Soft Pin Point | 1-Oct-2009 |
Ministry of Transport Abuja/Richard Wells | Wreck and Abandoned vessel Identification Survey from Lagos Port Channel to Novo Creek | 1-Sep-2009 |
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Mfem DA, Usari FB, Yoho A, Ubit GH & East Pin Down Site Platform | 1-Aug-2009 |
Total E&P Nig Ltd | Geophysical Site Survey at Etisong | 1-Jul-2009 |
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Edop QA Platform | 1-Jun-2009 |
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Usari FC, Oso RD, Unam CB, Usari FB, Ubit GH & Oso RC Platform | 1-Jun-2009 |
OMEL/ONGC Mittal | Seabed Survey at Opueyi AX-1 | 1-May-2009 |
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Ubit GH Platform | 1-May-2009 |
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Inanga A Platform | 1-Apr-2009 |
Geodetic Positioning/Chevron Nigeria Limited | Escravos River Crossing Pipeline Survey | 1-Mar-2009 |
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Adua A Platform | 1-Feb-2009 |
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Mfem DB, Inanga A & Unam CD Platforms | 1-Nov-2008 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Seabed Survey at FPSO Knock Adoon Bow Area | 1-Oct-2008 |
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Isobo A, Oso RB, Edop QA, Ubit GH, Ekpe QA, Utue A and Etim LB Platforms | 1-Oct-2008 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Unam C, Iyak B & Yoho ZBA Platform | 1-Oct-2008 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Mfem DA Platform | 1-Aug-2008 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Mfem DB & Ubit GG Platform | 1-Aug-2008 |
SPDC | Site Survey at Forcados Oil Field SBM 1 and 2 Location | 1-Jul-2008 |
Sogenal Limited | Rig Approach Survey at Akepo 1 Location | 1-Jun-2008 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Nsimbo & Usari FB Platform | 1-May-2008 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Isobo A, Yoho & Oso Platform | 1-May-2008 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed Survey at Etim A, Usari FC, Edop QB, Unam CD, Ubit GK, Idoho A & BZ Platform | 1-Apr-2008 |
Chevron Nigeria Limited | Escravos Export System Pipeline (EESP) Route Geotechnical Survey | 1-Mar-2008 |
Chevron Nigeria Limited | Escravos Export System Pipeline (EESP) Route Geotechnical Survey | 1-Feb-2008 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit GJ Platform | 1-Jan-2008 |
Chevron Nigeria Limited | Escravos Export System Pipeline (EESP) Route Geophysical Survey | 1-Dec-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Utue A, Ubit GH & Usari FC Platform | 1-Dec-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit GG Platform | 1-Nov-2007 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Pipeline Route Surveys at Adanga, Antan & Oron Field featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer | 1-Nov-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit GC Platform | 1-Nov-2007 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Pipeline Route Survey at Adanga Field featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer | 1-Nov-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Etim A Platform | 1-Nov-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Oso RB Platform | 1-Oct-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit GR Platform | 1-Sep-2007 |
Moni Pulo Nigeria Limited | Site Survey at Abana East Location featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer | 1-Sep-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Adua A Platform | 1-Aug-2007 |
Moni Pulo Nigeria Limited | Debris/Route Survey at Abana West Location featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer | 1-Aug-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Utue A Platform | 1-Aug-2007 |
Chevron Nigeria Limited | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Delta 2 Field/Delta 4 Field featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer; | 1-Aug-2007 |
Chevron Nigeria Limited | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Okan 80 Field featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer; | 1-Aug-2007 |
SPDC | Cable Search Survey at Cawthorne Channel location featuring Side scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Gyro compass | 1-Aug-2007 |
Chevron Nigeria Limited | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Meji Field featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer; | 1-Aug-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit E Platform | 1-Aug-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey from Adua A to Oso RH Platform | 1-Aug-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey from Oso RH to Usari FB Platform | 1-Aug-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey from Usari FB to Usari FC Platform | 1-Jun-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey from Usari FC to Utue A Platform | 1-Jun-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey from Utue A to Ubit B Platform | 1-Jun-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Asabo Platform | 1-May-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Enang C Platform | 1-Apr-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Unam CA Platform | 1-Mar-2007 |
West Atlantic Geomatics Limited | Seabed Survey at Freeport of Monrovia, Liberia | 1-Mar-2007 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Enang A featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler for Exxon Mobil | 1-Mar-2007 |
Shell Petroleum / PINL Marine & Oil Services Limited | Debris Search Survey at HA-06 location featuring Side scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Gyro compass | 1-Feb-2007 |
TDI Brooks Intl’ | Navigation Personnel for TDI Brooks for Chevron’s Site Surveys at Omilo B | 1-Feb-2007 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Pipeline Route Surveys under the Integrated Facilities Upgrade 2 Project at OKWOK to MIMBO, ADNH location OML 123 featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer | 1-Feb-2007 |
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning Nig | 12” condensate Pipeline Route Seabed Survey from Oso D to Oso RR featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler | 1-Dec-2006 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Antan2X Location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler | 1-Dec-2006 |
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning Nig | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit D, Enang and Oso D featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler | 1-Dec-2006 |
Addax Petroleum | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Antan1 Location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler | 1-Nov-2006 |
Exxon Mobil/ Geodetic Positioning Nig | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Inim B, Ubit G, Etim C featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler | 1-Oct-2006 |
Chevron Texaco Nigeria Limited. | Positioning of Rig Trident IV from Ruta E to Meren 24 Location | 1-Oct-2006 |
Exxon Mobil / Geodetic Positioning Nig | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Ubit GF featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler for Exxon Mobil | 1-Sep-2006 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning Nig | Transponder Survey at Ubit GG for Exxon Mobil’s Percy Johns Rig Move | 1-Sep-2006 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Pipeline Route Survey for 12 routes under the Integrated Facilities Upgrade Project at ORON location OML 123 featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer | 1-Sep-2006 |
Chevron Nigeria Limited | Seabed and Bathymetry Survey at Madu-D & Anyala J featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer | 1-Sep-2006 |
Moni Pulo Nigeria Limited | Seabed Survey at Cross River 4 Site featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer | 1-Jul-2006 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning Nig | Transponder Survey at Inim A for Exxon Mobil’s Ed Noble Rig Move from Unam CC to Inim A | 1-Jun-2006 |
Bilfinger and Berger Gas and Oil Ltd | Debris Survey at Bille Krakama featuring Side scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Gyro compass | 1-May-2006 |
Shell / PINL Marine & Oil Services Limited | Debris/Bathymetry Search Survey at KC-PPA location featuring Side scan Sonar, Echo Sounder and Gyro compass for SPDC (East) Nig. | 1-Apr-2006 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning Nig | Debris Search Survey at UNAM CC, UBIT GK, MFEM DB featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler | 1-Apr-2006 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning Nig | Debris Search Survey at ETIM LP, MFEM DB, OSO RD & UBIT GK location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning | 1-Feb-2006 |
Exxon Mobil /Geodetic Positioning Nig | Subsea Buoy Search Survey at YOHO location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning | 1-Feb-2006 |
NPDC/Schlumberger Geoquest | GPS Positional check of 12 wells at OML 66 in Okpoama Local Government, Bayelsa State; | 1-Sep-2005 |
Shell / PINL Marine & Oil Services Limited | River Crossing survey of E.G.G.S 40” pipeline route on m/v Doro at Calabar& Sambreiro River featuring Side scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler | 1-Aug-2005 |
Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited | Pipeline and Magnetometer survey of Moni Pulo’s Line from Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited’s Antan FPSO to Ekwe Field using m/v Goosander. | 1-Aug-2005 |
Euroil Limited, Republic of Cameroun | Site and Seabed Survey at Biafra South Block featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, Jumbo Corer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning in the Etinde Permit, Cameroon. Area: 7km x 5km | 1-Jul-2005 |
Euroil Limited, Republic of Cameroun | Site and Seabed Survey at Isongo South Block featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, Jumbo Corer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning in the Etinde Permit, Cameroon. Area 4km x 2.7km | 1-Jul-2005 |
Peak Petroleum | Integrated Site, Seabed, Geotechnical and Metocean Surveys at Bilabri 1, Bilabri 2 and Bilabri DX-1Location at OML 122 featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo-sounder, Sub bottom profiler, Weather measurements, current meters and coring | 1-Jul-2005 |
Peak Petroleum | Integrated Site, Seabed, Geotechnical and Metocean Surveys at Orobiri Prospect OML 122 Nigeria: Sidescan Sonar, Echo-sounder, Sub bottom profiler, Weather Station, current meters and coring | 1-Dec-2004 |
Peak Petroleum | Integrated Site, Seabed, Geotechnical and Metocean Surveys at Owanare Field OML 122 Nigeria: Sidescan Sonar, Echo-sounder, Sub bottom profiler, Weather Station, current meters and coring | 1-Nov-2004 |
Willbros Nigeria Limited /GOSL | Site and Pipe Prelay Route Surveys for Willbros Nigeria Limited on ChevronTexaco’s Okan Field using mv EROS III | 1-Nov-2004 |
Willbros Nigeria Limited /GOSL | Various Site and Pipe Prelay Route Surveys for Willbros Nigeria Limited on ChevronTexaco’s Delta Field using mv EROS III | 1-May-2003 |
Willbros Nigeria Limited /GOSL | Various Site and Pipe Prelay Route Surveys for Willbros Nigeria Limited on ChevronTexaco’s Meren Field using mv EROS III | 1-Feb-2003 |
Shell Petroleum Dev. Co Ltd / Suffolk Engineering Construction Ltd | Site & Seabed Survey Forcados-Yokri Integrated project Nigeria featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning using Survey Launch Princess Chichi. Survey Area covered 15km x 6km | 1-Apr-2002 |
Shell Petroleum Dev. Co Ltd / Suffolk Petroleum Subsea Ltd | Site Survey for Rig Location TXZK (JA) featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning Survey Area covered 15km x 6km | 1-Feb-2002 |
Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited / Schlumberger Wireline Nig. Ltd | Site & Seabed Survey Forcados-Yokri Integrated project Nigeria featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning using m/v Ocean Diver IV Survey Area covered 15km x 6km | 1-Feb-2002 |
Shell Petroleum Dev. Co Ltd / Suffolk Petroleum Subsea Ltd | Site & Seabed Survey SPDC Kalaekule Field (KC) Nigeria featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning using m/v Ocean Diver IV Survey Area covered 2km x 2km | 1-Feb-2002 |
Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited/ Suffolk Petroleum Subsea Ltd | Site Survey for Rig Location at Mobil's Ufan-2 Open Location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning Survey Area covered 1km x 1km | 1-Feb-2002 |
Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited/ Suffolk Petroleum Subsea Ltd | Site Survey for Rig Location at Mobil's Yoho Open Location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning Survey Area covered 1km x 1km | 1-Jan-2002 |
Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited/ Sirpi-Alusteel Construction | Site Survey for Rig Location at Mobil's Isonsi Open Location featuring Sidescan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Magnetometer, DGPS Real-Time Positioning Survey Area covered 1km x 1km |