Construction Support & Other Services
Client Organization | Tide Measurement Project Title/Description/Date |
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Shell Petroleum Development Company Limited | Corporate Cad & Digital Mapping Services | August 2017 - April 2021 | |
Pipe-lay Surveys
Field Offshore Design Engineering Limited | Platform Approach Survey and Braced Caisson/WHP Face Survey, Adanga Field, OML 123, using MV Beagle 1, featuring Complete SRP spread, Bathycorrometer, UT meter, Still camera, Cleaning tools and Inspection tools. | 1-Jul-2019 |
Deltatek Offshore Limited | Pre-Installation Survey – Pipeline route survey from Tubu WHP to Ima WHP, Ima and Tubu field, using MV Mary II, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer. | 1-Dec-2018 |
Deltatek Offshore Limited | Pre-Installation Survey for Ima WHP, Ima field, using MV Mary II, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer. | 1-Dec-2018 |
Deltatek Offshore Limited | Pre-Installation Survey for Tubu WHP, Tubu field, using MV Mary II, featuring Side Scan Sonar, Echo Sounder, Sub bottom Profiler and Magnetometer. | 1-Dec-2018 |
Addax Petroleum | Pre-lay Pipeline Route Survey for Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited from ADNH-PP-B to Adanga PP using m/v Goosander | 1-Sep-2005 |
Addax Petroleum | Pre-lay Pipeline Route Survey for Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited from ADNH-PP-B to Adanga PP using m/v Goosander | 1-Sep-2005 |
Horizon Oil /UTEC SI Limited, UK | Interpretation and Navigation for As-built Pipeline Survey for the 20” Gas line from Togo-Benin border, along Nigeria border to Ghana under the West Africa Gas Pipeline Project. | 1-May-2006 |
Deltatek Offshore Limited | Jacket Face Survey for Ima WHP (East Face), Ima field, using MV Primus featuring Complete SRP spread, Bathycorrometer, UT meter, Still camera, Cleaning tools and Inspection tools. | 1-Jan-2019 |
Seafall Marine Services | Lagos Harbour Pre-Dredge Survey, using RV Brone Explorer, featuring single beam echosounder, sub-bottom profiler and side scan sonar | 1-May-2017 |
Globestar/Subsea 7 | Mobil Pipeline Prelay Route Survey at UBIT | 1-Sep-2011 |